Thursday, October 19, 2006


(AcTiOn pOiNt)
How much of the media you consume is global? Do you watch US TV programes or visit US websites, for example? Do you consume media from other cultures as well or does the US dominate?

Most of the media I consume is global, I use internet search engines suchas Google, connect to the internet through AOL, shop for food at global companies(Tesco), and eat at large global American resturants, like Macdonalds. I strongly feel that the US in a way force their own values upon other societies, through their large worldwide coverage, and monopolising organisation. US TV channels appear to continously dominate our television screens through broadcasting both popular, sucesful American Tv talk chatshows suchas, Ricky Lake, and Jerry Springer. Also as well as this incredibly succesful comedies like 'My Wife And Kids', and 'One On One', broadcasted on Teenage chanel 'Trouble', are also based, and broadcasted from America, and causes us to question how much we are influenced by the US society. I rarely consume media from other cultures, as the US apear to dominate the media through every posible aspect.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Pixar animation had a quick entrance to sucess, and soon becam a world wide recognised animation label. This quick rise to fame began with the departure of John Lessater from the world famous Disney company; and together with the talents of film maker George Lucas, Pixar animations made its mark in animated film history.

The previous pixar logo, as such>>>>>>>
Represents the evolovement and a history of
Pixar, derived from George Lucas's Lucas Films Ltd., which was purchased by Steve Jobs for a huge $10 million, and historicaly named as it is known today as 'Pixar'. Ed Catmull left Lucas films in 1986, after serving them for 7 years, he becomes co founder of Disney Pixar animations; and Pixar possesses a total workforce of around 44 people.
Thereafter in 1991, Pixar and Walt Disney studios team up together, and discuss creating 3 feature length films. It sparks the beginning of a a history of both successful, memorable films. As well as this Pixar also creates 15 comercials promoting day to day products.

Pixar goes public in 1995, and offers initial public offering of 6,900,000 shares, $22 million each! Toy Story hits the screens, and is quickly known as the highest grosing movie of the year, generating $192 milion in domestic box ofice, and a masive $362 milion world wide!

In 1995 Disney and Pixar agre instead to produce five feature length movies instead of three, and Pixar expand to asecond point building in Richmond to acomodate the growth of their compnay; Which now reaches 365 employees in the summer of June.

'A Bugs Life' is produced in 1997 and breaks all previous box ofice records, generating $162 milion in dometic box ofice receipts, and a masive $362 million world wide. It also obtains the top No.1 spot, within six international markets.

In 1992 Toy Story 2 is released, and Toy Story 1 is released on home video. Toy Story 2 is the first movie to be entirely digitally created. This introduces Pixar as an unforgetable name within animated, film history, as it sets the theme, and progres of future movies to come; and Pixar moves in 2000 to Emeryvile, CA.

In 2001 Ed Catmull is christened the president of Pixar animations, and the number of employes at Pixar reaches 600! As well as this vice president John Lasseter signs an agreement to work for no other studio, other than Pixar. As well as this Monsters Inc. is released, and branded 3rd highest money generating film in the history of films.

2003 May 30th 'Finding Nemo' is released, and quickly becomes known as the 8th highes grossing film in the history of animated film. As well as this in 2004 , November 5th The Incredibles is released.

June 9th 2006 CARS is released and features memorable characters suchas Lightening McQueen, who like all the Disney Films of the past are sure to win the audience over, as they depart on an adventure down Route 66.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

of KiLL BiLL V1.
'She will KiLL BiLL'

Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill volume one displays numerous editing skills, specificaly used to raise the enigma of the story, and introduce the film from beginning to end as both a combination of rip roaring action and mericiless death. The opening scene features the slow, yet forceful tune 'BANG BANG. (My baby shot me down), to evoke the mental state of Umer Thurman as she lay motionless, yet heavily breathing on the ground. The visuals are featured in black and white, and represent the way in which main charcter Urma thinks, right, or wrong, evil or god, kill or be killed. It represents Urmas simple, strong state of mind, and efectively represents represents her overall character. However as wel as this such bleak visuals, also represent her life of one of unhapiness, and conveys her mental state as drained yet, suprisingly determined. The simple yet vital dialogue featured within the opening scenes provide us with the basis of the story, as well as Urma's own mental state of mind, as she associates with murderers, on a daily basis. This would cause us to believe hermental state is quite outrageous, and prehaps unstable, as she herself has played the victim, yet as the movie progress also the killer.